
Be A Better YOU With AI

Curious about how AI can enhance your life? Join our community of AI-curious life improvers and discover practical techniques to boost your wealth, health, and happiness. Get expert insights, real-life success stories, and exclusive resources to seamlessly integrate AI into your daily routine. Subscribe now to start your journey towards a smarter, happier, and more prosperous life

10xYOU: AI for Better Sleep and Rest Techniques

Chapter 40: Sleep Is A Superpower Naturally Recharge Ciao and happy Friday! Believe it or not, I'm in Rome this week. Well, near Rome. Visiting family. Eating too well, as usual. But getting a lot of decent sleep. It amazing how peaceful it can be when you are away from the city. Let's talk about sleep. Remember awhile back when there were all these stories of successful executives who claim to wake up at 4 AM to get a head start on their day? They make it sound like the secret to...

10xYOU: Harnessing AI to Develop Habits That Boost Your Productivity and Success

Chapter 39: Using AI to Build Better Work Habits Build Habits Better Good morning all. Happy hump day? BTW, Ben apologizes about the mix-up with the chapter numbering. His chapter should have been 38 and this one is 39. He's usually a stickler on these things so he feels bad about it. I told him that you guys are ok with it - no big deal right? I've heard that sometimes I go on too long on these, ironic considering I'm supposedly the productivity guru. Let's get right into it. Developing...

10xYOU: Use AI to Pick the Right Passive Income Side Hustle for You

Chapter 37: Passive Side Hustles Extra Cash for Not A Lot Of Extra Time Happy Monday. Did you get paid on Friday? How's the bank account looking? If you're like most of us, it's not looking too good. Only 32% of workers feel like they’re paid fairly, according to a new Gartner survey. So if you don't think you're making enough at your full time gig, you're not alone. We talked about gig work a while back, which is great if you have the time for it. But what if you don't. There is a ton of...

10xYOU: Find Work/Life Balance With AI

Chapter 37: Work Is Not Life Find a Balance Ciao and happy Friday! Hope you had a good week. So, at the risk of boring you with my past, I used to be a workaholic. Yeah, me, the wellness guy. I was not well. I never used to be like that. I used to be pretty happy. I made sure that I got enough R&R and enjoyed my time off. Especially when things started off with Fiia. But then things took a turn. I found myself unconsciously taking on more and more work so that I could stay at work longer. I'd...

10xYOU: Maximize Your Mornings With AI

Chapter 36: Power Up Your Mornings With AI How To Defeat Daybreak Hey, welcome back. How did you sleep? I'll be honest with you. I spent a little too long on my phone last night. I got into this really old book (Psychocybernetics if you're interested) and I couldn't stop reading. Before I knew it it was 2am. Ugh. HATE MORNINGS? You aren't the only one. Apparently only 13% of people are "larks" - or people who like the morning. I was NEVER a morning person. I always felt like I did my best...

10xYOU: Use AI Join The Gig Economy

Chapter 36: Are You Gigging It? Find $$$ and Fulfillment With Gig Work It's Monday again. How does that make you feel? (How I sound like Leo, right?) Some of us are lucky enough to have a great full-time job which doesn't just pay all of our bills with money to spare, it's also interesting and fulfilling work. OK you can stop laughing now. There are some of us who do have that. Unfortunately, most of us don't. WE BE GIGGING Did you know are there are over 57 million Americans in the gig...

10xYOU: How To Be A Meme Master With AI

Chapter 35: Memes R' Us Sometimes, You Just Gotta Laugh Ciao and happy Friday! BTW: Thanks so much for all the feedback on the last chapter RE: me texting Fiia back. i was wavering but you guys are right. Not getting back into that mess was the right way to go. I still can't delete her phone number yet though. Baby steps! Enough about that! I've been looking forward to this one. Have you ever wrapped up a long stressful day and just want to chill. Literally do nothing but doomscroll on your...

10xYOU: Using AI To Enhance Your Productivity on Creative Tasks

Chapter 34: Boost Your Creativity With AI Get Creative, Even If you Aren't Happy Wednesday. Is that a thing? I should see if I can swap with Leo, he definitely has the most fun day. How are you doing? Having a good week so far? Good. Let's jump right into it. BE CREATIVE So, outside of taking pictures of food, I'm extremely uncreative. So when my boss asks me to come up with something "out of the box", its hard for me. I'm kind of straight laced and its hard for me to come up with new ideas -...

10xYOU: How to Use AI to Help You Save Money

Chapter 33: Save It, Baby! The Flipside of Making It Happy Monday! Hope you had a great weekend. I know here in the US many of us took an extended long weekend. Did you? Hope you feel rested and raring to go. Let's talk about the boring side of Money Monday: Saving. Who cares about saving money? "I just want to make as much money as I possibly can so I don't have to worry about saving ever again." Is this you? It was me, once. I told myself that I was going to work really hard in my twenties...

10xYOU: AI & Keeping The Fire Lit

Chapter 32: Relationship Health AI Can Help Keep Things Going Ciao and happy Friday! Hope all of our American friends had a great 4th yesterday. Chris had us over for a big BBQ (even though it was super hot here) and we all had a great time. How was your holiday? (If you had one) VOICE FROM THE PAST Friends, I'm a little thrown for a loop this week. Remember I was telling you about my ex and how it was kind of a bad breakup? I hadn't heard from her in 3 years. Not a peep since we signed the...

Curious about how AI can enhance your life? Join our community of AI-curious life improvers and discover practical techniques to boost your wealth, health, and happiness. Get expert insights, real-life success stories, and exclusive resources to seamlessly integrate AI into your daily routine. Subscribe now to start your journey towards a smarter, happier, and more prosperous life