
Be A Better YOU With AI

Curious about how AI can enhance your life? Join our community of AI-curious life improvers and discover practical techniques to boost your wealth, health, and happiness. Get expert insights, real-life success stories, and exclusive resources to seamlessly integrate AI into your daily routine. Subscribe now to start your journey towards a smarter, happier, and more prosperous life

10xYOU: Using AI to Enhance Your Home Environment

Chapter 54: Home Sweet Home Let AI Enhance Your Home Environment Ciao, friends. Did you know that your environment affects you more than you think? We all think that no matter where we are, our environment doesn't affect us. We are smart, independent humans. We can power through working and relaxing in any environment. We are adaptable. But that's just not true. Study after study has shown that our environment makes a huge difference in how we act. For example, if your space in neat and tidy,...

10xYOU: How AI Can Help You Thrive As A Remote Worker

Chapter 53: Leveraging AI to Enhance Productivity, Communication, and Work-Life Balance Hey! Happy Wednesday! Did all of my American readers have a good long weekend? Those don't come often enough do they? I guess it depends on if you like your job or not. Like me, I love my job. Wasn't always like that. One of the things I love about my job - and the jobs I've had over the last - oh 5 years now, is that they are fully remote. But fully remote work isn't for everyone. Many of us where able to...

10xYOU: Discovering New Music with AI for Better Wellness

Chapter 52: Music Can Uplift You Level Up Your Mood With Music Hi all! Happy Friday. How did the week go for you? Feel long? Feel short? Feel stressed? Feel depressed? I remember when I was at a really low spot in my life. This was before Fiia. It was another girl. Natasha. I fell for her hard and we had a few weeks of bliss. Then she just disappeared. Completely ghosted me. I even went to her house and she'd moved. I was so down I couldn't get out of bed. After a few days of this, my...

10xYOU: How To Use AI to Level Up Your Communication Skills

Chapter 51: Enhance Your Interpersonal Skills with the Power of AI Hey all, how's your week going so far? Love to hear from you. Are we hitting the ball out of the park or are we whiffing it? Let me know [email protected] LET'S TALK How's your communications skills? I used to think I was really good. I'd kick out badass decks and do great presentations. One day, I was a newbie at a new gig and my manager told me to do the next staff presentation. You know how it is - when you first start a new...

10xYOU: How To Use AI To Make Some Extra Cash Fast

Chapter 50: Make Money Now With AI Quick Cash Solutions Hey everyone! Happy Monday. Just got back from a short summer break. What did you all think of my crypto post from last week? Did any of you take a look? Are you already investing in crypto? If so, let me know your thoughts. Crypto is a little too complicated a topic to cover in a single chapter, so if you'd like to hear more about it, please let me know. Just pop me an email at [email protected], and I can answer your questions directly, or...

10xYOU: How To Use AI For Fitness Effectively

Chapter 49: AI & Fitness Upgrade your workout Hi all! Hope you had a great week! I'm back in the states with the rest of the team and am ready to roll. I had an awesome time in Italy visiting family, but its good to be home. Although I do miss the food! Of course even though I did a lot of walking, my scale was not too happy when I stepped on it. Gotta get back to my fighting weight. Let's see how we can use AI to lose a few. HOW? Personalized Workout Plans: AI can create workout plans...

10xYOU: How AI Can Help You Master the Art of Setting Boundaries

Chapter 48: Leveraging AI to Protect Your Time The Power of "No" Hey all, welcome back to a brand new Workflow Wednesday. The team is back from our short break and raring to go. Today's topic is something I struggle with all the time: setting boundaries. Especially between work and life. I used to be one of those always on types of people. No matter where I was I was worried about what was happening back at work. I was one of those people you see on the beach, staring down at their phone...

10xYOU: Short Break - Be Back Soon

Short Summer Vacation Hey all! Hope you are enjoying the newsbook so far. The team have been going strong for months so we are going to take a little break. Leo's in Rome, I'm in Greece, and Nik & Ben are going to go spend some time with family. We will be back with Nik's Workflow Wednesday chapter on the 21st Don't forget that you can check out all previous chapters of the newsbook here. Would love to hear your thoughts on how we are doing. Just reply back to me here, or use [email protected],...

10xYOU: Understanding Cryptocurrency Investments with AI

Chapter 47: Get Serious About Crypto Volatility is Everywhere Hey all. Happy Monday. A few chapters back, we talked about investing in the market. Since then we've seen a lot of turbulence. Stay calm, folks. This kind of stuff happens all the time. The worst thing you can do is panic and sell at a loss. As long as you've invested in solid companies, they'll bounce back. But as a hedge (hedging is a risk management strategy employed to offset losses in investments by taking an opposite...

10xYOU: AI and the Art of Mindful Living

Chapter 46: Mindfulness & AI Get Centered Ciao and happy Friday! Hope you had a great week. This week I'm closer to the sea - specifically near Positano. Ever drive the Amalfi Coast? Everyone says its nerve wracking - but I kinda like it. You have to be super observant to drive these twisty roads that go right up against the edge of the cliff. You're competing with other drivers, motorcycles, bikes, pedestrians and giant tour buses which are constantly butting into traffic, testing the waters...

Curious about how AI can enhance your life? Join our community of AI-curious life improvers and discover practical techniques to boost your wealth, health, and happiness. Get expert insights, real-life success stories, and exclusive resources to seamlessly integrate AI into your daily routine. Subscribe now to start your journey towards a smarter, happier, and more prosperous life