
Be A Better YOU With AI

10xYOU: AI for Crafting: Unlocking Creativity for Wellness

Chapter 74: Crafting Wellness

Crafting Your Way to Wellness with a Little Help from AI

Hey, all.

Happy Friday!

We’ve all heard about the benefits of mindfulness and relaxation, but did you know that crafting can be one of the most effective ways to support your mental and emotional well-being?

Whether it’s knitting, painting, or upcycling old materials into something beautiful, crafting allows you to slow down, focus, and express yourself creatively.

It’s not just about making things—it’s about finding joy in the process, letting go of stress, and entering a flow state where time seems to melt away.

Crafting isn’t just fun; it’s also a powerful tool for wellness.

Engaging in hands-on activities can lower stress levels, boost mood, and even improve cognitive function. When you work with materials, colors, and patterns, you tap into both your creativity and your problem-solving abilities, giving your brain a healthy workout.

Plus, the satisfaction of completing a project—whether it’s a simple doodle or a complex handmade gift—can bring a sense of accomplishment and joy, which is essential for mental well-being.

The only downside? Sometimes, getting started can feel a bit overwhelming. It’s not always easy to decide what to make, figure out the best materials to use, or know how to fix things when they don’t go as planned.

With AI-powered tools by your side, crafting becomes easier, more accessible, and more fulfilling. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced maker, AI can spark new ideas, guide you step-by-step, and help troubleshoot when things go off track.

By using AI in your crafting journey, you’re not just creating beautiful things—you’re also prioritizing your wellness.

Crafting provides a space to unplug from daily stress, focus on the present, and explore new ideas. And with AI as your creative co-pilot, you can try new projects without the fear of failure, experiment with different techniques, and enjoy the process without getting stuck.


  1. Finding Project Inspiration: AI tools can recommend projects tailored to your interests and skill level. Based on your preferences, AI might suggest seasonal crafts, trending DIYs, or long-term hobby projects like embroidery or candle making.
  2. Personalized Tutorials and Instructions: AI can break down complex crafting processes into easy-to-follow steps, providing video or text tutorials that suit your pace and learning style. You can ask for help at any point, and AI will guide you through each stage.
  3. Material Selection and Substitution Tips: AI can suggest the best materials for your project and offer sustainable or budget-friendly alternatives if you don’t have everything on hand. No need to stress if you’re missing a specific item—AI will provide creative solutions!
  4. Design Assistance and Pattern Generation: Using AI, you can generate patterns or design ideas. Tools like DALL·E or Canva’s AI features allow you to experiment with digital previews before starting a physical project.
  5. Troubleshooting and Problem-Solving: When things don’t go as planned, AI can act as your crafting trouble-shooter, offering solutions for common mistakes like dropped stitches in knitting or uneven cuts in paper crafts.


Meet Alex, a beginner at crafting who wanted to make handmade gifts for the holidays. But between work and life, finding the time to browse through project ideas felt impossible. That’s when Alex decided to try AI. With just a few inputs—“holiday crafts, beginner level, and low-cost materials”—AI suggested making scented candles and personalized greeting cards. It even offered step-by-step tutorials and suggested alternative materials Alex could use without needing to buy anything extra. With AI’s help, Alex not only completed the projects but felt a sense of accomplishment and joy in the process. The handcrafted gifts were a hit, and Alex found a new hobby to unwind after busy days.


  1. Find Inspiration with AI Tools: Use platforms like Pinterest or Canva, which offer AI-powered recommendations based on your crafting interests. Describe what you’re looking for, and let AI suggest ideas.
  2. Generate Custom Patterns or Design Ideas: Tools like DALL·E can create unique pattern designs or craft project ideas, giving you digital previews to guide your work.
  3. Follow Personalized Crafting Tutorials: Use AI-driven tutorials that provide step-by-step instructions for your project. Platforms like YouTube integrate AI suggestions to offer the best video guides based on your needs.
  4. Get Material Substitution Tips: Describe what you have on hand, and AI can recommend substitutions—like using leftover fabric for a wall hanging or repurposing jars for candle holders.
  5. Troubleshoot Problems in Real-Time: Encounter an issue during your project? Ask AI for advice! Whether it’s a dropped stitch, incorrect folds, or an uneven surface, AI can offer quick fixes and alternative solutions.

Or, we can ask our favorite AI chatbot...

You: Hey ChatGPT, I’ve been hearing that crafting is a great way to relax and improve well-being, but I don’t know where to start. There are so many options—knitting, painting, woodworking, you name it. I’m not sure what kind of craft would be right for me. Can you help me figure it out?

AI: Absolutely! Crafting can be an amazing way to unwind and nurture your wellness. The key is to find a craft that aligns with how you’re feeling and what you want to get out of the experience. Let’s start with a quick question—what’s on your mind lately? Are you looking for something calming, energizing, or maybe something to help you feel more focused?

You: Hmm, I’ve been feeling pretty stressed from work lately. I think I need something calming, but also something that feels productive. I’d like to finish the project with something useful, not just decorative.

AI: Got it. If you’re looking for both relaxation and a sense of accomplishment, there are a few options that might fit the bill. You could try crocheting or knitting—they’re repetitive enough to be calming but result in practical items like scarves or blankets. If you’d rather work with your hands but need something quicker, candle-making or soap-making might be a good fit. Both give you a finished product that’s functional and soothing to use. How do those sound so far?

You: I like the idea of making something I can actually use. But I’m worried about starting something too complicated—I don’t want to get frustrated and quit halfway through.

AI: That makes total sense. Frustration is the opposite of what we’re going for! If you want something simple to begin with, how about candle-making? It’s straightforward—melting wax, adding scents, and pouring it into containers. Plus, you can use the candles for relaxation, which adds an extra layer of wellness. Or, if you prefer something even easier to set up, we could try origami or simple paper crafts. They’re calming, creative, and don’t require a lot of materials.

You: Hmm, candle-making sounds fun. I like the idea of choosing scents that help me relax. But what if I don’t have all the materials? Can you help me figure out what I’ll need and suggest alternatives if I don’t have something?

AI: Of course! You’ll need a few basics: wax (soy or beeswax works well), a wick, containers (mason jars or teacups are great), and essential oils or fragrance oils for scent. If you don’t have wax, you could even try repurposing old candle stubs by melting them down and mixing the wax. How does that sound?

You: That sounds doable! I think I have a few old candles I could reuse. What about scents? I’d like to make something that helps me feel calmer after a long day.

AI: Perfect! For relaxation, lavender, chamomile, and vanilla are all great options. If you want a more refreshing scent, eucalyptus or mint can help clear your mind. You could even try blending a couple of oils—like lavender and vanilla—for a personalized touch. Would you like me to walk you through the candle-making process step-by-step?

You: Yes, please. I think having a clear plan will help me feel more confident.

AI: Absolutely. Here’s a simple process:

  1. Melt the wax: Use a double boiler or place a heatproof bowl over a pot of simmering water. Add the old candle stubs or fresh wax to the bowl and let it melt slowly.
  2. Prepare your containers: Place a wick at the center of each container. You can use a bit of melted wax to secure the wick to the bottom so it stays in place.
  3. Add fragrance: Once the wax is fully melted, remove it from the heat and let it cool for a minute. Add a few drops of essential oils—about 10-20 drops per candle, depending on how strong you want the scent to be.
  4. Pour the wax: Slowly pour the wax into your containers, making sure the wick stays centered. Use a chopstick or pencil to hold the wick upright as the wax sets.
  5. Let it cool: Allow the candles to cool for several hours, ideally overnight, before trimming the wick to about 1/4 inch. And voila! Your handmade candles are ready.

How does that process sound to you? Any questions or tweaks you’d like to make?

You: No, that sounds perfect! I think I can manage that. I’m actually excited to try it now.

AI: I’m glad to hear that! Candle-making is such a great way to unwind and tap into your creativity—and you’ll have something relaxing to show for it at the end. If you run into any issues along the way, just let me know and I’ll help troubleshoot. Also, if you want to experiment with colors or dried herbs for decoration, I’ve got tips for that too.

You: I might try that on my next batch! Thanks so much. This is exactly what I needed.

AI: You’re very welcome! I’m excited for you to get started. Crafting can be such a wonderful way to take care of yourself—both by focusing your mind and by creating something beautiful and useful. I’m here anytime you need more project ideas or run into any snags along the way. Enjoy making your candles!


Crafting is not just a hobby—it’s a way to relax, tap into creativity, and find joy in making something with your hands. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, step-by-step guidance, or help troubleshooting, AI can enhance your crafting experience at every step.

With personalized tutorials, creative design tools, and material substitution tips, AI empowers you to embrace your inner maker and create with confidence. Ready to explore new crafts and boost your wellness?

Let AI be your crafting companion and watch your creativity flourish.


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Have a great weekend!

Leo Serrano, Editor, Fulfillment Fridays, 10xYOU

Remember, you can always email me directly at

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