
Be A Better YOU With AI

10xYOU: AI for Time-Saving Cooking and Meal Planning

Chapter 62: Speed Up Meals

How AI Can Help You Plan, Shop, and Cook More Efficiently


Add your own adjective!

Wonderful? Winsome? Wonderous?

Ok maybe not.

Before we jump into today's topic, I want to tease you a bit.

Ben has been working on a book. He's going to reveal it on Monday.

The book is about using AI to write a book.

In a single day.

It's a step by step guide for using a technique invented called "progressive writing" to go from a single line idea, to a full book, in literally less than 24 hours. It's so simple anyone can do it.

If you have ever wanted to write a book on any topic you need to read this.

Watch out for the big announcement on Monday.


So, so far, we've talked a lot about time saving at work. But AI can help you save time at home too.

For example.


I love eating but I hate cooking.

I'm single. I find it weird to spend a lot of time fixing up a healthy and delicious meal only to just sit down in front of it and eat it.

Seems like a waste of time, right?

Doordash is my friend. Uber Eats is right there on my home screen. Which is great for quick food.

But recently, I'm trying to eat healthier.

Have you read Good Energy by Casey Means? It's my new favorite book.

But of course, nothing that I've been eating fits that plan.

So I have to start cooking.

Luckily, AI is here to help me out.

Let's see how AI can save you time in the kitchen by helping you plan, shop, and cook smarter.

Ready to simplify your meal routine? Let’s dive in!


For many of us, meal planning and cooking can feel like time-consuming chores.

Between deciding what to cook, shopping for ingredients, and actually preparing the meals, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

Plus, sticking to a healthy diet while managing a busy schedule is no small feat. Impossible if you are just Doordashing for your meals like I was.

But with the help of AI, you can turn meal planning from a stressful task into a streamlined process that saves you time and energy—and helps you eat better, too!


Meet Sarah, a full-time graphic designer who often found herself ordering takeout because she didn’t have the time or energy to plan and cook meals. Realizing she was spending too much money on food and missing out on healthier options, she decided to turn to AI for help. Sarah used AI meal-planning apps to generate weekly menus based on her dietary preferences and favorite cuisines. The app even created grocery lists and allowed her to order ingredients online with a single click. With AI’s help, Sarah was able to cook at home more often, save time, and stick to a healthier diet. AI didn’t just help Sarah manage her meals—it made her feel more in control of her time.


  1. Automated Meal Planning: AI-powered meal planning apps can take the guesswork out of deciding what to cook. Platforms like Mealime generate personalized meal plans based on your preferences, dietary restrictions, and even the ingredients you already have on hand. You can set your preferences for quick meals, healthy options, or specific diets like keto or vegan, and the app will handle the rest. This can save you tons of time every week.
  2. Smart Grocery Shopping: Gone are the days of writing out grocery lists! AI apps like AnyList and Whisk automatically generate grocery lists based on your meal plans. They also track what you already have in your pantry, so you don’t end up buying duplicates. Many apps even allow you to order groceries directly through the app for delivery or pick-up, so you can save time on both planning and shopping.
  3. Cooking Guidance and Recipes: AI cooking assistants like Spoonacular or even smart devices like Amazon Alexa can guide you step-by-step through recipes. These tools can suggest substitutions if you're missing ingredients, adjust portion sizes based on how many people you’re cooking for, and offer cooking tips in real time. It’s like having a personal chef who adapts to your needs!
  4. Leftover Management: Not sure what to do with leftover ingredients? AI can help here, too. Tools like SuperCook let you input whatever ingredients you have on hand, and they’ll suggest recipes that use them. This reduces food waste and saves you the time (and stress) of figuring out what to cook when your pantry is looking a little bare.
  5. Meal Prep and Batch Cooking: AI can also assist with meal prep by recommending dishes that can be batch-cooked and stored for the week. Apps like Paprika Recipe Manager can help you organize meals for multiple days, track ingredients, and even suggest storage tips for keeping food fresh. This way, you can spend one day cooking and have meals ready for the rest of the week—saving time and energy on busy days.

Let's have a quick chat with your favorite AI chatbot and see what's up...

You: "I really want to start eating healthier, but honestly, I rely a lot on food delivery services because I don’t have the time or energy to cook after work. I’m worried that cooking at home is going to take too much time. Can AI really help me manage all of this?"

AI: "I totally get where you're coming from. Finding the time and motivation to cook can be hard, especially when you’re used to the convenience of delivery. But the good news is AI can make the whole process—meal planning, shopping, and cooking—way more efficient, so it doesn’t feel like a time drain. Plus, you’ll save money and eat healthier. Let’s start by figuring out what’s been holding you back from cooking more at home."

You: "I guess it’s mostly the time it takes to figure out what to cook, shop for the ingredients, and then actually cook the meal. After a long day, delivery just seems easier."

AI: "That makes total sense! It can feel overwhelming when you’re tired. What if I told you AI could handle most of that for you? There are AI-powered meal planning apps that can create a weekly meal plan tailored to your preferences—whether that’s quick meals, healthy dishes, or even specific dietary goals like low-carb or plant-based. Would that help reduce some of the decision fatigue?"

You: "Yeah, that sounds helpful. But I still feel like cooking will take forever compared to ordering food."

AI: "That’s a common concern, but the key is to focus on quick, nutritious meals. You can set meal planning apps to suggest recipes that only take 20 or 30 minutes to prepare. There’s no need to spend hours in the kitchen. Also, many recipes are designed for batch cooking, meaning you can make multiple portions in one go and store them for the rest of the week. That way, you spend just one day cooking but have meals ready to go for several days. How does that sound for saving time?"

You: "Batch cooking sounds like it could help. But what about shopping? I hate going to the store, and that’s part of the reason I end up using food delivery apps. Shopping takes up so much time."

AI: "That’s another area where AI can really simplify things. Once you have your meal plan, AI-powered apps like Whisk or Mealime automatically create a shopping list based on the ingredients you need. You can even connect the app to local grocery delivery services, so you can skip the trip to the store entirely. You’ll get everything you need for the week delivered right to your door. Does that help with the time concern?"

You: "Wow, yeah. If I can avoid the grocery store, that would save me a lot of time. But what about the actual cooking part? I’m not the most experienced cook, and I don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen every night."

AI: "No worries—AI can guide you through the cooking process too. You can use voice-activated assistants like me to walk you through recipes step by step, which makes cooking a lot easier. If you’re missing an ingredient, I can suggest a substitute on the fly, and if you’re cooking for one or two, I can help adjust the portion sizes. And remember, you’re not trying to make a gourmet meal every night. Focus on simple, quick meals that are healthy but don’t require a lot of effort. Would you like me to help you find a few easy recipes to try?"

You: "Yeah, I’d love that. I’m just worried about getting bored of the same meals every week."

AI: "That’s where AI really shines—variety! Meal planning apps can shuffle different recipes each week based on your preferences, so you’re not stuck eating the same thing over and over. If you’re in the mood for something specific, you can just ask for recipes based on that cuisine or ingredient. You’ll never run out of new, healthy ideas to try. What kinds of meals do you typically enjoy?"

You: "I like simple stuff—things like stir-fries, pasta, and grilled chicken. But I’d like to add more veggies and cut down on carbs."

AI: "Great! Based on that, I can help you create a meal plan with low-carb options that are loaded with veggies. For example, you could do a quick stir-fry with chicken, bell peppers, and broccoli, or a veggie-loaded frittata that you can prepare in under 30 minutes. These meals are nutritious, quick to make, and can be varied throughout the week so you don’t get bored."

You: "That sounds pretty doable. What if I have leftovers, though? I never know what to do with them."

AI: "AI can help with that too! You can use apps like SuperCook that allow you to input your leftover ingredients, and they’ll suggest recipes to help you use them up. This reduces food waste and keeps your meals interesting, even if you’re working with leftovers. You could even turn leftover chicken into a salad or wrap for lunch the next day."

You: "I hadn’t thought of that. I’m always throwing away extra ingredients or leftovers because I don’t know what to make. That’s a great tip!"

AI: "Exactly! The goal here is to simplify the whole process—meal planning, shopping, and cooking—so that it’s more manageable, healthier, and saves you time. By using AI to automate the planning and shopping, and focusing on quick meals that fit your schedule, you’ll find it’s much easier to cook at home and stay on track with your health goals. And remember, I’m always here to help you brainstorm recipe ideas or adjust your meal plan based on what you need."

You: "I’m starting to feel like this is more doable than I thought. I like that AI can help me stick to my goals without making everything feel like such a chore."

AI: "Exactly! It’s all about working smarter, not harder. With AI, you can make healthy eating fit seamlessly into your lifestyle without sacrificing time or convenience. Ready to start planning your first week of healthy meals?"

You: "Definitely! Let’s do it."


Cooking and meal planning don’t have to be time-consuming or stressful.

I've tried a few of the apps above and I can attest that this works.

I've definitely been able to cut back on my food deliveries.

I already feel healthier. Plus it costs less.


See you next week

Got any tips on the above, or anything else AI related, which worked for you and you'd like to share with the community?

Let me know - my emails down below!

See you next week.

Nikola Harper, Editor, Workflow Wednesdays, 10xYOU

PS: You can always email me directly at

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