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Be A Better YOU With AI

10xYOU: Discovering New Music with AI for Better Wellness

Chapter 52: Music Can Uplift You

Level Up Your Mood With Music

Hi all! Happy Friday.

How did the week go for you?

Feel long? Feel short? Feel stressed? Feel depressed?

I remember when I was at a really low spot in my life.

This was before Fiia. It was another girl. Natasha.

I fell for her hard and we had a few weeks of bliss.

Then she just disappeared. Completely ghosted me.

I even went to her house and she'd moved.

I was so down I couldn't get out of bed.

After a few days of this, my roommate got sick and tired of my moping.

So you know what he did? He pulled out his old record player (yes, an actual old record player, but it did plug into our modern speaker system) and started feeding me the blues.

Not R&B. But real old, down home blues.

Sunnyland Slim, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, all talking about lost love, being poor, working hard.

Ironically, it stated making me feel better

It's odd, isn't it. Hearing about other peoples problems actually helps you to reframe your own.

Didn't take long. I was feeling better in a few hours.

Actually made me a blues fan.

(If you want to hear what I'm talking about, here is an example. Listen to this for a few hours and tell me if you can still feel sad... )

video preview


Music has a unique power to impact our emotions, reduce stress, and even improve our overall well-being.

Whether you’re looking to unwind after a long day, boost your mood, or find focus while working, the right music can make all the difference.

But with so many options out there, how do you choose the perfect soundtrack for your needs?

That’s where AI comes in. AI can help you discover new music that aligns with your emotional and mental state, enhancing your wellness and helping you feel your best.

Let’s explore how AI can guide you in choosing the right music to improve your well-being.


  1. Mood Elevation: Music has the power to lift your spirits, energize you, or soothe your mind, depending on what you need at the moment.
  2. Stress Reduction: Listening to calming music can lower stress levels and promote relaxation, making it easier to unwind.
  3. Improved Focus and Productivity: Certain types of music, like classical or ambient tracks, can help improve concentration and make tasks feel more manageable.
  4. Emotional Release: Music can provide an outlet for your emotions, helping you process feelings of sadness, joy, or anything in between.
  5. Sleep Improvement: Soothing music before bed can improve sleep quality, helping you wake up feeling refreshed.


  1. Personalized Playlists for Your Mood: AI analyzes your current mood and suggests music that can either complement or alter it to improve your emotional state.
  2. Stress-Relief Soundtracks: AI can curate playlists with calming and relaxing music specifically designed to reduce stress and anxiety.
  3. Focus and Productivity Boosters: AI can recommend music that enhances focus, whether you’re studying, working, or just trying to concentrate.
  4. Sleep-Enhancing Music: AI can create bedtime playlists that include soothing tracks to help you fall asleep faster and enjoy better sleep quality.
  5. Emotionally Supportive Tracks: AI can suggest music that resonates with your emotional needs, offering support during tough times or amplifying feelings of happiness.


Let’s talk about Alex. Alex had been feeling stressed and overwhelmed with work, struggling to find ways to unwind and recharge. He decided to use an AI-powered music app to help him manage his stress. The AI analyzed his mood and suggested calming playlists that were perfect for relaxing after a long day. It also recommended upbeat music for when Alex needed an energy boost and focus-enhancing tracks for when he was working on important tasks. With these AI-curated playlists, Alex found it much easier to manage his stress levels and felt more balanced and in control.


Ready to use AI to improve your well-being through music? Here’s how to get started:

  1. Choose an AI-Powered Music Streaming Service: Services like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music use AI to offer personalized wellness playlists. Choose one that fits your needs.
  2. Set Your Mood and Preferences: Spend some time listening to your favorite tracks on the platform. The AI will start learning your preferences and mood patterns, helping it make better recommendations.
  3. Explore Mood-Based Playlists: Check out the playlists curated by the AI based on your emotional state. Whether you need to relax, focus, or uplift your mood, there’s a playlist for you.
  4. Use Music for Stress Relief: Let AI guide you to calming soundtracks designed to help you unwind after a stressful day. These playlists might include ambient music, nature sounds, or slow-tempo tracks.
  5. Boost Your Focus and Productivity: When you need to concentrate, AI can suggest music that’s proven to improve focus, such as classical or instrumental tracks.
  6. Enhance Your Sleep with Music: Before bed, use AI to find soothing playlists that promote relaxation and help you drift off to sleep more easily.
  7. Customize and Adapt: Provide feedback by liking or skipping songs, and the AI will refine its recommendations to better suit your needs.

Let's have a quick chat with your favorite AI chatbot and see what it says...

You: Hey, I’ve been feeling really stressed out lately, and I’m struggling to relax. Can you help me find some music that might help?

AI: Of course! Music can be a powerful tool for managing stress and improving your mood. Let’s start by identifying how you’re feeling right now. Are you looking to unwind, boost your mood, or something else?

You: I’m definitely looking to unwind and just feel calmer.

AI: Got it. I can suggest some calming music that’s perfect for relaxing after a long day. You can find tracks like ambient music, nature sounds, and slow-tempo instrumental pieces on your preferred music streaming service. I recommend creating a playlist with these types of tracks. How does that sound?

You: That sounds exactly like what I need.

AI: Great! Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  • "Weightless" by Marconi Union: This track is often cited as one of the most relaxing pieces of music ever created.
  • "Clair de Lune" by Claude Debussy: A beautiful, calming classical piece.
  • "Ambient 1: Music for Airports" by Brian Eno: Perfect for creating a peaceful atmosphere.
  • "Rainforest Sounds": Consider adding some nature sounds for a soothing background.

You can add these to a playlist and listen whenever you need to unwind. Would you also like suggestions for upbeat music or tracks to help you focus?

You: Yeah, I think I could use both. Sometimes I need to get energized, and other times I just need to focus.

AI: No problem! For an energy boost, you could try adding these tracks:

  • "Happy" by Pharrell Williams: A feel-good, upbeat song that’s sure to lift your spirits.
  • "Can’t Stop the Feeling!" by Justin Timberlake: Another high-energy track that’s great for motivation.
  • "Uptown Funk" by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars: Perfect for getting pumped up.

For focus, here are some suggestions:

  • "Gymnopédie No.1" by Erik Satie: A calming piano piece that helps with concentration.
  • "Ludovico Einaudi’s Collection": His piano compositions are great for background music that keeps you focused.
  • "Deep Focus" playlist on Spotify: This curated playlist includes ambient and instrumental tracks designed for deep work.

You can create separate playlists for each mood and switch between them depending on what you need. Ready to give it a try?

You: I’m ready. This sounds like it could really help me manage my stress better.

AI: I’m glad to hear that! As you listen, remember to like or save the tracks that resonate with you. Over time, your music streaming service will start recommending similar songs, helping you discover even more music that fits your needs. I’m here to support you, so feel free to check in anytime you need more music suggestions. Enjoy your listening!


Music is a powerful tool for enhancing wellness, helping us manage stress, boost our mood, and improve focus.

With AI-powered music streaming services, you can discover new tracks that align with your emotional needs, making it easier to feel your best.

Whether you’re looking to unwind after a long day, stay focused at work, or simply find joy in new tunes, AI can guide you in choosing the perfect music for any moment.

So why not let AI help you craft the ideal soundtrack for your well-being?

Press play and let the music take care of the rest.

Try it out and let me know what works for you. Would love to hear. My email's below.

BTW: Monday is a holiday here, so Ben has the day off. You'll hear from Nik next Wednesday.

Have a great weekend!

See you next week.

Leo Serrano, Editor, Fulfillment Fridays, 10xYOU

Remember, you can always email me directly at

Be A Better YOU With AI

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