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Be A Better YOU With AI

10xYOU: Harnessing AI to Develop Habits That Boost Your Productivity and Success

Chapter 39: Using AI to Build Better Work Habits

Build Habits Better

Good morning all. Happy hump day?

BTW, Ben apologizes about the mix-up with the chapter numbering. His chapter should have been 38 and this one is 39.

He's usually a stickler on these things so he feels bad about it.

I told him that you guys are ok with it - no big deal right?

I've heard that sometimes I go on too long on these, ironic considering I'm supposedly the productivity guru.

Let's get right into it.

Developing strong work habits is key to achieving success in any career.

i know how it is sometimes. You might not like your job, so you slack.

My dad always said that you should try to excel no matter what you do.

But he said it in Japanese

"塵も積もれば山となる" (Chiri mo tsumoreba yama to naru)

He told me that it meant "Whatever you do, do it well"

But I think it was Walt Disney who actually said that.

Let’s have a real talk about something we all face at some point: working on tasks or jobs we don’t particularly enjoy. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that just because you don’t love what you’re doing, you don’t need to put much effort into it. But here’s the truth—cultivating good work habits is crucial, even when you’re not passionate about the task at hand.

Why? Because good work habits transcend the specifics of any job or task. They’re about building a foundation of discipline, organization, and efficiency that will serve you well in any situation. When you develop strong work habits, you’re essentially training yourself to approach any task with a sense of purpose and determination. This mindset not only helps you get through less enjoyable tasks more efficiently but also prepares you to excel in the things you do love.

Good work habits are like muscles. The more you exercise them, the stronger they get.

So, even if you’re currently in a job or working on projects that aren’t your dream, you’re still building valuable skills and character traits that will benefit you in the long run.

Plus, by staying disciplined and organized, you might find ways to make the work more tolerable, or even discover aspects of it that you enjoy.

Remember, every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow. By maintaining good work habits, you’re setting yourself up for success in the future, when you do land that dream job or project.

It’s about playing the long game and investing in your personal and professional development.


Good work habits are the foundation of a productive and successful career. They help you manage your time effectively, stay focused, and achieve your goals.

Whether it’s staying organized, prioritizing tasks, or maintaining a positive attitude, strong work habits can make a significant difference in your professional life.

Building these habits requires consistency and the right strategies.


Meet Alex, a project manager who often struggled with staying organized and meeting deadlines. He knew he needed to develop better work habits but didn’t know where to start. Alex decided to use AI to help him build these habits. He started by using an AI-powered task manager to prioritize his tasks and set reminders. He also used an AI-driven time-tracking tool to monitor how he spent his time and identify areas for improvement. Over time, Alex developed a routine that kept him organized, focused, and on track. His productivity increased, and he consistently met his deadlines. AI helped Alex build better work habits that transformed his professional life.


  1. Task Management: Use AI-powered task managers like Todoist to organize your tasks, set reminders, and prioritize your to-do list. These tools help you stay focused on what needs to be done and avoid procrastination.
  2. Time Tracking: Implement AI-driven time-tracking tools like Clockify to monitor how you spend your time. These tools provide insights into your productivity patterns and help you identify areas for improvement. By understanding how you use your time, you can make adjustments to work more efficiently.
  3. Focus Enhancement: Employ AI tools like Freedom to minimize distractions and enhance your focus. These apps can block distracting websites, track your screen time, and suggest ways to improve your productivity. Maintaining focus is crucial for developing strong work habits.
  4. Routine Building with Cue, Routine, Reward: Use the "cue, routine, reward" method to build and maintain positive work habits. Start by identifying a cue (a trigger that initiates the habit), establish a routine (the behavior you want to perform), and provide a reward (something that reinforces the habit). For example, set a cue like starting your day with a specific playlist (cue), followed by 30 minutes of focused work (routine), and then enjoy a short break with a cup of coffee (reward). AI-powered habit-tracking apps like Streaks can help you track your progress, set reminders for your cues, and keep you motivated with rewards.
  5. Personalized Coaching: Use AI-driven virtual coaches like ChatGPT or Replika to receive personalized advice, encouragement, and strategies for building better work habits. These virtual coaches can help you stay motivated and accountable, providing support when you need it most.

Let's sit down with a bot and see what it has to say on this...

You: "I’m having a hard time developing good work habits. I keep procrastinating and missing deadlines. Can AI really help me with this?"

AI: "Absolutely! AI can provide structure, reminders, and personalized insights to help you build better work habits. Let’s start by identifying your main challenges. Is it managing tasks, staying focused, or something else?"

You: "All of the above. I have a hard time staying organized, and I get easily distracted."

AI: "Got it. Let’s break this down. First, let’s tackle task management. Have you tried organizing your tasks and setting priorities?"

You: "I’ve tried, but I always end up with a long to-do list that feels overwhelming."

AI: "A long to-do list can definitely be overwhelming. Try breaking your tasks into smaller, manageable steps and setting clear priorities. Focus on the most important tasks first. It can also help to set specific times for each task and use reminders to keep you on track."

You: "Okay, that makes sense. What about staying focused? I get distracted by social media and other things."

AI: "Distractions can be a major productivity killer. One tactic is to set specific times for focused work sessions, known as the Pomodoro Technique. Work for a set period, like 25 minutes, then take a short break. During work sessions, eliminate distractions by turning off notifications and blocking distracting websites."

You: "I’ve heard of that. How can I make sure I stick to it?"

AI: "Consistency is key. Start by setting realistic goals for your work sessions and gradually increase the time as you build the habit. Using a timer can help you stay disciplined. Also, keep track of your progress and reward yourself for staying focused."

You: "Alright, I’ll try that. What about building a routine?"

AI: "Building a routine takes time, but it’s essential for developing good work habits. Start by establishing a morning routine that sets the tone for your day. Include activities like planning your day, setting priorities, and reviewing your tasks. Stick to your routine consistently, and make adjustments as needed."

You: "I always struggle with consistency. Any tips on that?"

AI: "Staying consistent can be challenging, but it helps to set clear, achievable goals and track your progress. Use the 'cue, routine, reward' method. Identify a cue that triggers the habit, establish a routine, and provide yourself with a reward for completing it. For example, start your day with a cup of coffee (cue), spend 30 minutes on your most important task (routine), and then take a short break (reward). Habit-tracking tools can help you stay accountable and motivated."

You: "That makes sense. I’ll give it a try."

AI: "Great! Also, consider using personalized coaching from AI-driven virtual coaches. They can offer advice, motivation, and strategies tailored to your needs. They’re there to support you and keep you on track."

You: "Thanks. I’ll give these tactics a try and see how it goes."

AI: "You’re welcome! Remember, building better work habits takes time and effort. Use AI tools to help you stay organized, focused, and consistent. Stay patient and keep making small improvements. Good luck, and feel free to reach out if you need further assistance!"

Building better work habits is essential for boosting productivity and achieving success.

Yes, even at those jobs you might not be a fan of.


Got any? Let me know - my emails at the bottom.

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Have a a great rest of the week!

Nikola Harper, Editor, Workflow Wednesdays, 10xYOU

PS: You can always email me directly at

Be A Better YOU With AI

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