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Be A Better YOU With AI

10xYOU: How To Use AI to Build and Maintain Professional Relationships

Chapter 56: Leveraging AI to Strengthen Your Network and Foster Long-Term Connections

Hey everyone.

Hope your week is going well so far.

You know, I really love researching and writing these chapters.

I hope that you are getting value of out them.

I'm trying to be as helpful and detailed as I can be.

Sure, that means that some of these chapters can be really long.

But I'd rather give you lot of value than just give you a little, then drive you to some course or something.

I just want you to be a better human. That's our goal here.

And AI can help us be better.


We all know that professional relationships are the foundation of career success.

Whether you’re connecting with colleagues, clients, or mentors, building and maintaining these relationships is key to growing your network and unlocking new opportunities.

But nurturing these connections, especially over time, can be challenging.

This is where I mostly fail. I'm usually charging so hard on my current tasks that I have no time to maintain connections.

This is where AI comes in. T

Ready to level up your networking game?


Professional relationships aren’t just about meeting people—they’re about building trust, staying engaged, and offering value over time.

Whether you’re looking for career growth, collaboration opportunities, or mentorship, maintaining these relationships is essential.

However, keeping track of interactions, remembering key details, and staying consistent with follow-ups can be difficult, especially when your network starts to grow.

That’s where AI can be a game-changer, helping you stay organized and engaged.

Remember its not just what you do. It's who KNOWS about what you do.


Meet Laura, a project manager who loved meeting new people but often struggled to keep in touch after that first conversation. She’d go to networking events, collect a stack of business cards, and then lose track of who she met and what they discussed. Wanting to improve her relationship management, Laura turned to AI tools to help. She started using an AI-powered CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system to keep track of her contacts, schedule reminders for follow-ups, and personalize her communication. Over time, Laura built a more engaged, connected network, resulting in new project opportunities and collaborations. AI didn’t just help Laura stay organized—it helped her form lasting professional connections.


  1. Organize Your Network: One of the biggest challenges in maintaining professional relationships is staying organized. AI-powered CRM tools like HubSpot can help you track your contacts, log conversations, and set reminders for follow-ups. These tools can categorize your connections by industry, role, or relationship status, making it easy to access the right information when you need it. We use HubSpot here at 10xYOU and I have to say that it is a gamechanger.
  2. Personalized Follow-Ups: Building strong relationships means showing people that you care about more than just business. AI tools like Crystal Knows analyze communication styles and suggest personalized follow-ups based on individual preferences. Whether it’s an email or a LinkedIn message, AI can help you tailor your outreach to make it more meaningful and relevant to the recipient.
  3. Meeting Reminders and Notes: AI can help ensure you never miss an important follow-up. Tools like Clara act as AI assistants that schedule meetings, send reminders, and keep track of key details from your interactions. They can even provide prompts for what to mention in your next meeting, helping you maintain continuity in your conversations and show you’re engaged.
  4. Social Media Engagement: Staying active on platforms like LinkedIn is key to maintaining visibility and fostering professional relationships. AI tools like Buffer can automate your social media posts, ensuring you stay top of mind with your network. AI can also suggest relevant content to share and prompt you to engage with your connections' updates, helping you maintain an active presence without overwhelming yourself. We love Buffer here and use it to manage all of our social accounts.
  5. Collaboration Opportunities: AI tools can help identify collaboration opportunities within your network. Platforms like LinkedIn AI-powered suggestions analyze your connections and suggest people who may be a good fit for partnerships or joint ventures. By using AI to connect the dots between your network and potential collaborators, you can discover new opportunities that you might not have seen otherwise.

Don't want to jump into using a tool right away? Let's get some ideas from our AI chatbot...

You: "Hey, I’m great at meeting new people and making a good first impression, but when it comes to maintaining those relationships, I just can’t seem to stay consistent. I end up losing touch. How can AI help with that?"

AI: "I hear you! Building a network is one thing, but maintaining those connections over time is where the real challenge comes in. AI can definitely help you stay organized, but there are also some solid techniques you can implement to keep those relationships alive long term. Let’s tackle this together—starting with how you’re currently managing your contacts. How do you usually keep track of people after meeting them?"

You: "Honestly, I don’t really have a system. I’ll connect with them on LinkedIn, but after that, they’re out of sight, out of mind. I might reach out once in a while, but it feels random."

AI: "That’s really common, and that’s where people tend to lose momentum with their network. The good news is, it’s easy to fix. First, you can use AI-powered tools like a CRM to keep everything organized. These tools can help you log interactions, set reminders for follow-ups, and even categorize contacts based on industry or relationship type. But before we dive into tools, let’s talk about some simple habits you can develop yourself."

You: "Okay, what kind of habits?"

AI: "A big one is to build the habit of regularly checking in. This doesn’t have to be a huge effort. It could be as simple as commenting on one of their LinkedIn posts, sending a quick message, or sharing an article you think they’d be interested in. Think of it as micro-engagement—small touchpoints that show you’re thinking of them without overwhelming you."

You: "That makes sense. I like the idea of smaller, more frequent interactions instead of waiting for big reasons to reach out."

AI: "Exactly. Another technique is to create a system for follow-ups. After a networking event or a meeting, set a reminder for yourself to follow up within a week or two. Even just saying, 'It was great meeting you—let’s grab coffee next time you’re free' can keep the connection warm. If you’re using an AI-driven CRM like HubSpot or Salesforce, these tools can automatically remind you to check in based on your last interaction. But even a manual system, like setting a reminder on your phone or calendar, works just as well."

You: "I could definitely use a reminder system. I always have good intentions but then get busy and forget."

AI: "That’s where consistency comes in. Try dedicating a set time each week for networking. Maybe it’s Friday afternoons where you go through your contacts, send out a couple of check-ins, or schedule a coffee chat for the next week. AI tools can suggest the best times to reach out based on your previous patterns, but it’s also about building the habit into your routine."

You: "That would definitely help me stay on track. But what do I say when I reach out? I don’t want it to feel forced."

AI: "Totally. The trick is to keep it natural and relevant to what they’re doing. You could comment on something they’ve recently shared on social media, or ask for their opinion on a topic you know they’re interested in. AI tools like Crystal Knows can help you tailor your communication based on their personality and communication style, but you can also just keep it simple—ask about a project you discussed or follow up on something personal they mentioned last time. It doesn’t need to be complicated, just genuine."

You: "I like that. Keeping it personal seems like a good way to avoid sounding like I’m just 'networking for the sake of networking.'"

AI: "Exactly. Authenticity is key. Here’s another tip: don’t be afraid to offer value, even when you’re not looking for anything in return. Share relevant articles, make introductions between people in your network, or offer to help with something they’re working on. When you’re proactive in providing value, people remember you for being helpful, and it strengthens the relationship naturally."

You: "That’s a good point. But what if I don’t have something specific to offer them?"

AI: "That’s okay! Not every interaction needs to be transactional. Sometimes it’s enough to just check in with no agenda—'Hey, how’s everything going with you?' is a perfectly valid reason to reach out. The key is maintaining a human element in your relationships. Plus, over time, opportunities to offer value will come up naturally."

You: "I’ve also noticed that I don’t stay active enough on LinkedIn. I want to engage more, but I just don’t know where to start."

AI: "LinkedIn is a great tool for staying top of mind with your network, but it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Start small—aim to post or engage once or twice a week. AI tools like Hootsuite or Buffer can help you schedule posts in advance, but you can also set a simple goal to comment on three posts from people in your network or share one insightful article per week. You don’t need to be on it every day to make an impact."

You: "I think I’ve been overthinking it. I can definitely handle a few posts and comments each week."

AI: "Exactly, small actions add up. Another thing to consider is virtual networking events or joining professional groups online. Whether it’s through LinkedIn groups, Slack communities, or professional organizations, staying active in these spaces helps you stay visible and meet new people, even if you’re not physically attending events. AI can help you find these groups based on your interests and suggest events or meetups where you’re likely to meet the right people."

You: "That’s something I haven’t done much of, but it sounds like a good idea, especially since in-person networking isn’t always possible."

AI: "It’s a great way to keep growing your network, especially as more people are working remotely. And remember, AI can also analyze your network and recommend people to reconnect with based on shared interests or potential collaborations. Tools like LinkedIn’s AI suggestions or Shapr help you discover those who might have fallen off your radar but are still valuable connections."

You: "I hadn’t thought about using AI to help me reconnect with people I’ve lost touch with."

AI: "It’s a powerful way to re-engage with your network. AI takes the guesswork out of who to reach out to and when, while giving you insights into how to make the interaction meaningful. By using a combination of AI tools and your own proactive habits, you can not only build new relationships but maintain and deepen the ones you already have."

You: "This all sounds doable. I think with a mix of AI tools and setting up reminders for myself, I can be more consistent in keeping up with my network."

AI: "Absolutely! The key is to make it manageable and personal. Start with small, regular actions and let AI handle the heavy lifting in terms of organization and reminders. You’ll find that maintaining your network becomes much more natural and less stressful over time."


You don't necessarily need to use an AI tool to get the best results.

You can just have a chat with our favorite AI chatbot and get useful tips and techniques to help you out.

Plus, the advice it'll give you will be super targeted to your specific issue.

What better than a 7/24 available professional networking coach?


That's a wrap for today.

See you next week

Got any tips which worked for you and you'd like to share with the community?

Let me know - my emails down below!

See you next week.

Nikola Harper, Editor, Workflow Wednesdays, 10xYOU

PS: You can always email me directly at

Be A Better YOU With AI

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