
Be A Better YOU With AI

10xYOU: How To Use AI To Start Biomonitoring

Chapter 63: Human, Measure Thyself

Insights Into You

Happy Friday.

Before we jump into today's chapter, just wanted to give you another heads up on Ben's chapter next Monday.

He's created what he's saying is the definitive guide for someone who wants to use AI to write a book.

To prove his hypothesis, he used his method, which he called PAWM, to write a complete book.

In a single day.

And on Monday, he'll be pre-launching it exclusively to 10xYOU citizens.

Know anyone who might be interested?

Send them our link to sign up and get the announcement on Monday.

I helped proof it, so I know its good. Very good.

All you need in a glimmer of an idea and you can turn it into a complete book in less than 24 hours.

The power of AI, my friends.

Now, lets use it on your health.


If you've been out on the socials lately, you'll know that there is a renewed focus on health.

Not health by quick diagnosis and popping pills.

But getting healthy by feeding your body and exercising it right.

But how do you know if you are doing it right?

Enter biomonitoring.

Used to be just for geeks and nerds. But now its for everyone.

There a quiet revolution going on this space. People want more data about themselves than they can get just from lab work and a doctor once every few years.

There is more focus on prevention than cure. And this is a good thing.

And how do you prevent? You get to know your own body through biomonitoring.

Thanks to AI and wearable technology, keeping track of your well-being has become a lot easier.

Biomonitoring through wearables, like smartwatches and fitness trackers, can give you real-time insights into your body’s vital signs, activity levels, and even stress indicators.

It’s not just about gathering data—AI plays a key role in interpreting that data, offering personalized recommendations, and guiding you toward healthier habits.

Let's talk about the easy stuff - like Fitbits and watches, then move on to CGM (which is everywhere nowadays)


  1. Real-Time Health Monitoring: AI-enabled wearables can monitor your heart rate, sleep patterns, physical activity, and more in real-time, giving you instant feedback on your health status.
  2. Personalized Health Insights: AI analyzes your biometrics over time, offering tailored insights into your well-being, such as identifying patterns in your sleep, exercise, or stress levels.
  3. Early Detection of Health Issues: By continuously monitoring key health indicators, AI-powered devices can help detect potential health issues early, prompting you to take action or consult a healthcare professional.
  4. Activity and Fitness Tracking: AI can create customized fitness plans based on your activity levels, goals, and progress, adjusting routines as needed to keep you on track.
  5. Stress and Emotional Well-Being: AI can detect changes in your biometrics that indicate stress, such as elevated heart rate or irregular breathing, and suggest mindfulness exercises to help you manage it.


Let’s talk about Alex. Alex wanted to get healthier but found it hard to keep track of progress and stay motivated. He started using an AI-powered smartwatch that monitored his heart rate, sleep, and daily activity. The AI analyzed his data and gave him personalized fitness and sleep recommendations. It even alerted him when his stress levels were rising and suggested breathing exercises to calm down. Over time, Alex noticed he was sleeping better, feeling more energized, and managing stress more effectively—all thanks to his wearable and AI’s guidance.


Ready to use AI for biomonitoring to improve your health? Here’s how to get started:

  1. Choose an AI-Enabled Wearable: Look for wearables like the Apple Watch, Fitbit, Garmin, or Oura Ring that offer comprehensive health monitoring features, including heart rate, sleep tracking, activity, and stress levels.
  2. Set Up Health Goals: Most AI-enabled wearables allow you to set health and fitness goals. Whether it’s walking 10,000 steps a day, getting 7-8 hours of sleep, or reducing stress, input your goals so the AI can tailor its recommendations.
  3. Monitor Key Biometrics: Pay attention to metrics like heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), sleep quality, and activity levels. The AI will analyze this data over time, providing insights into how your lifestyle affects your health.
  4. Use Personalized Feedback: Rely on the AI’s feedback to adjust your habits. For example, if the AI detects that your heart rate is elevated during the day, it might suggest a break, a short walk, or a breathing exercise to help manage stress.
  5. Track Sleep Patterns: Use the wearable’s sleep-tracking features to monitor your sleep stages and quality. AI can suggest bedtime routines and relaxation techniques to help you improve your sleep, ultimately boosting your overall health.
  6. Stay Active with Smart Reminders: The AI in your wearable can remind you to move if you’ve been sitting for too long, guide you through workouts tailored to your fitness level, and even adjust your exercise plan based on your progress.
  7. Sync Data for a Holistic View: Sync your wearable with health apps like Apple Health or Google Fit. This allows the AI to have a more comprehensive view of your lifestyle, offering more accurate and personalized health insights.

Sure, most people have a watch which captures data, but some folks are talking more about something like a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), which measures your blood glucose over time. Its rumored that a near future version of Apple watch will have that facility too. But what if you are thinking about getting one? Lets see what AI has to say...

You: Hey, I’ve been thinking about trying more advanced monitoring devices, like a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM). I’ve heard they can be really helpful, but I’m not sure if it’s worth it. What do you think?

AI: That’s a great question! CGMs and other more invasive monitoring devices can definitely provide valuable insights into your health, especially if you’re looking to track specific metrics like blood sugar levels in real-time. They’re not just for people with conditions like diabetes—some people use them to gain a deeper understanding of how their diet, exercise, and stress levels affect their body. But like any tool, they come with their own set of pros and cons. Would you like to go over those together?

You: Yeah, that would be helpful. I’m curious about what I might gain from using a CGM, but also what I need to be cautious about.

AI: Absolutely, let’s break it down. Starting with the pros of using a CGM:

  1. Real-Time Data: CGMs provide continuous, real-time data about your blood sugar levels. This can help you understand how different foods, exercises, and even stress affect your body. For example, you might notice that certain meals cause spikes in your blood sugar, while others keep it more stable.
  2. Personalized Insights: Paired with AI, a CGM can give you highly personalized feedback. The AI can analyze your data over time and suggest dietary or lifestyle changes that align with your body’s specific needs. This can be particularly useful if you’re trying to optimize your diet or manage energy levels throughout the day.
  3. Preventative Health: By tracking how your blood sugar responds to different activities and foods, you can take proactive steps to improve your metabolic health, potentially reducing the risk of long-term issues like insulin resistance.

You: That all sounds really useful. I like the idea of getting real-time feedback, especially since I’m trying to figure out what foods work best for me. What about the downsides, though?

AI: Great point. It’s important to consider the cons before diving in:

  1. Invasiveness: CGMs are a bit more invasive than other wearables. They usually involve inserting a small sensor under the skin, typically on the upper arm or abdomen. While the process isn’t too painful and most people get used to it, it’s something to consider if you’re sensitive to needles or aren’t comfortable with a device attached to your body.
  2. Cost: CGMs can be expensive, especially if you’re using them for general health monitoring rather than a medical condition. Insurance might not cover them unless you have a specific health need, so you’ll want to weigh the cost against the benefits.
  3. Data Overload: With the constant stream of data a CGM provides, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. AI can help by interpreting the data and offering insights, but it’s still a lot of information to process. Some people find that it adds a level of stress rather than relieving it, especially if they become hyper-focused on every little change in their glucose levels.
  4. Accuracy: While CGMs are generally reliable, they aren’t perfect. Factors like dehydration or extreme physical activity can sometimes affect the accuracy of the readings. AI can help smooth out these inconsistencies, but it’s something to keep in mind if you’re expecting 100% precision.

You: That’s a lot to consider. I can see the benefits, but I’m not sure how I’d feel about having something under my skin all the time. Are there other, less invasive options that still offer good insights?

AI: Absolutely! If you’re looking for less invasive options, there are several other AI-powered wearables that can provide valuable insights without needing to be inserted under the skin. Here are a couple of options:

  1. Smartwatches and Fitness Trackers: Devices like the Apple Watch, Fitbit, and Garmin monitor heart rate, activity levels, sleep patterns, and even stress indicators through skin sensors. They’re not as detailed as a CGM in terms of metabolic tracking, but they can give you a well-rounded view of your health.
  2. Oura Ring: The Oura Ring is another non-invasive option that focuses on sleep, activity, and readiness. It tracks heart rate variability (HRV), body temperature, and sleep stages, offering insights into your overall well-being.
  3. Biofeedback Devices: Some wearables, like the Apollo Neuro, focus on biometric feedback to help regulate your body’s stress responses. They use vibrations to stimulate your nervous system, aiming to improve relaxation and focus.

While these options might not provide the same detailed metabolic data as a CGM, they’re excellent for tracking your overall health and wellness in a more comfortable, non-invasive way. And paired with AI, they can still give you personalized recommendations to help you make lifestyle changes.

You: That makes sense. It seems like CGMs are more for those who really want to dive deep into metabolic health, while the other wearables are good for a more general overview. I’m leaning toward starting with something less invasive, but I can see how the real-time data from a CGM could be valuable.

AI: You’re spot on! Starting with a less invasive wearable is a great way to get familiar with biomonitoring and using AI to improve your health. You can always explore more advanced options like a CGM if you feel the need for deeper insights later on.

There are at least two companies that I know of that are offering CGM style monitoring outside of prescriptions.

That's a path you can take if you want to try it.

Having more data about your body can only be a good thing.

Of course, before you do anything health related, check with a professional.


It's time to take back responsibility for our personal health. Biomonitoring is a good step.

More data is always better than less.

When you have data, you can make better decisions.

And what is more important than decisions about your health?

Need more help?

Pop me an email below.

Have a great weekend!

Leo Serrano, Editor, Fulfillment Fridays, 10xYOU

Remember, you can always email me directly at

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