
Be A Better YOU With AI

10xYOU: Revolutionizing Reading Habits with AI

Chapter 65: Get Reading

How AI Can Help You Read More, Read Smarter, and Find Your Next Great Book

Happy Wednesday, Fellow Workflow Warriors...

OK that needs work.

Did you guys catch Ben's book launch on Monday?

He's really proud of it.

There are so many citizens of 10xYOU who want to write a book. There are tons of you.

I get it. There is a lot of cachet in writing a book. One of these days, I'll probably write a book on how to use AI to save time - I bet that people would love to see that, right?

I might use some of the tactics in Ben's book.

He's charging $5.55 on here and $8.88 on Amazon for it.

But he'll send you a copy free if you are interested. He'd just like to know what you are planning to write with it. Just send him an email at

Enough about writing. Let's talk about reading. One of my favorite things to do.

We’re constantly bombarded with quick, bite-sized content—social media feeds, news articles, videos, and notifications. While these can keep us informed and entertained, they often leave us feeling overwhelmed and distracted.

That’s why there’s something so refreshing and rewarding about diving into a good book. Reading offers a chance to slow down, focus deeply, and escape into another world, whether it’s a gripping novel, an inspiring biography, or a thought-provoking self-help guide.

Books allow us to expand our knowledge, spark our imagination, and develop our thinking in ways that other media just can’t match.

But let’s be honest: finding the time and the right books to read can feel like a challenge.

This is where AI steps in, ready to revolutionize your reading habits and help you make the most of every literary moment.


Reading is a fantastic way to expand your knowledge, boost creativity, and even escape reality for a bit. But developing and maintaining a consistent reading habit isn’t always easy. Between busy schedules, countless distractions, and an overwhelming number of books to choose from, it can be hard to keep up. This is where AI comes in, offering tools and insights that can help you not just read more, but read smarter. From personalized recommendations to productivity-boosting strategies, AI can transform the way you approach reading.


Meet Alex, a marketing professional who loved reading but struggled to find the time to dive into new books. With a hectic work schedule and endless content vying for his attention, he found it hard to finish even one book a month. Frustrated, he decided to give AI a shot. He used an AI-driven app to curate a personalized reading list based on his interests, set reading goals, and even summarize articles and books for quick, on-the-go learning. Soon, Alex found himself reading more often, discovering books he never would have found on his own, and making the most of his limited free time. AI didn’t just help Alex read more—it helped him rediscover his passion for reading.


  1. Personalized Book Recommendations: Tired of spending hours browsing for your next great read? AI-powered recommendation tools like Goodreads and The StoryGraph analyze your past reading habits, preferences, and favorite genres to suggest books you’re likely to enjoy. By providing personalized suggestions, AI takes the guesswork out of book shopping and helps you discover titles you might not have found on your own.
  2. Speed Up Your Reading with Summaries: If you’re short on time but still want to absorb new information, AI tools like Blinkist and Instaread provide concise summaries of non-fiction books. These apps distill the key insights from thousands of books into short, digestible reads, making it easy to stay informed on the go. While they don’t replace the depth of a full book, they’re perfect for quick learning and exploring new ideas.
  3. Set Reading Goals and Track Progress: Just like with fitness, setting goals can help you build and maintain a reading habit. AI-driven platforms like Basmo allow you to set reading goals, track your progress, and even analyze your reading patterns. They’ll remind you to carve out time for reading, helping you turn it into a daily habit.
  4. Improve Comprehension and Retention: Tools like Readwise use AI to help you retain and reflect on what you read. By syncing with your Kindle or other reading apps, Readwise collects highlights and notes from your reading material and creates spaced repetition reminders. This technique reinforces key takeaways over time, improving your comprehension and retention of the material.
  5. Organize and Share Your Reading Lists: AI can help you manage and organize your reading lists with platforms like Notion and Evernote. These tools allow you to create digital libraries, categorize books by genre or topic, and even share recommendations with friends or colleagues. AI can suggest new additions to your list based on your reading history, keeping your literary journey dynamic and interesting.

Let's have a quick chat with your favorite AI on this and see what it has to say...

You: "I’ve always wanted to read more, but between work and everything else, I just can’t seem to find the time. And when I do have time, I never know what to read. Can AI really help with this?"

AI: "Absolutely! AI can be a game-changer for your reading habits by helping you discover great books, organize your reading schedule, and even read more efficiently. Let's start with your main struggle: is it finding the time to read, choosing the right books, or a bit of both?"

You: "Honestly, it's both. I feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of books out there, and I barely have time to finish the ones I start."

AI: "That's completely understandable. First, let’s tackle finding the right books. AI-powered platforms like Goodreads use your reading history and ratings to suggest books that align with your tastes. But if you’re looking for a more tailored experience, I can help right now! Tell me a bit about your favorite genres or some books you’ve enjoyed recently."

You: "I like self-development and historical fiction, but I get lost in the options and end up not choosing anything."

AI: "Got it! To simplify things, how about setting up a personalized reading list? I can suggest a mix of highly rated self-development and historical fiction books that you can explore. Once you have a focused list, it’s easier to pick your next read without feeling overwhelmed."

You: "That could help. But then there's the time issue. I barely have time to read, so I just end up scrolling through social media instead."

AI: "Finding time to read can be challenging, but it’s about making small adjustments. AI can help by setting reading goals and sending reminders to carve out dedicated reading time. You don’t need to commit to hours of reading—try setting a goal of 10-15 minutes a day. Those small chunks add up over time! Would you like me to help you create a reading schedule that fits into your routine?"

You: "That sounds like a good start. But what about longer books? I tend to get discouraged if I feel like I’m not making progress."

AI: "I hear you! For longer books, it’s helpful to break them into smaller, more manageable sections. You can set weekly or monthly goals using AI-driven reading trackers, which will keep you motivated by showing your progress. Additionally, if you want to explore more books without committing to the full read, there are AI-powered apps like Blinkist that provide short, easy-to-digest summaries of non-fiction books. This way, you can still gain the key insights and knowledge without feeling overwhelmed."

You: "I’ve heard of book summaries, but do they really work? It feels like I’m cheating by not reading the full book."

AI: "Think of them as supplements rather than replacements. Summaries are great for exploring a topic or deciding if a book is worth your time. If a summary piques your interest, you can always dive into the full book later. It’s a way to broaden your knowledge quickly and then decide where you want to dig deeper."

You: "That makes sense. I like the idea of summaries for exploring new ideas. But how do I actually retain what I read? I often finish a book and then forget half of what I learned."

AI: "Great question! AI can help with that too. Tools like Readwise use spaced repetition to reinforce key points from your reading. They collect your highlights and notes, and periodically send you reminders to revisit them. This method boosts your retention and comprehension over time. It’s like having a personal coach that helps you get the most out of your reading."

You: "That could really help. I’m starting to see how AI can make this whole process easier and more manageable."

AI: "Absolutely! AI can streamline your entire reading experience—helping you choose what to read, find time to read, and retain the knowledge you gain. It's about making reading more accessible and enjoyable, even with a busy schedule. Shall we start by creating a personalized reading list and setting some achievable reading goals?"

You: "Yeah, sounds great"

Personally, I love books. I used to boast that my library was full of books that I'd read. Now its full of books that I haven't read! I just didn't have the time.

But now I schedule time to read every night. I put away all of my electronics at least an hour before bed and crack open my latest book (This week I'm wrapping up House of Suns, by one of my fav authors, Alistair Reynolds.)

Dialing back your electronics and getting deep into longform will do you good, trust me.


Hope you're finding my chapters useful. Before I started researching this one, I hadn't heard of most of the above tools.

I hope that I'm being helpful!

Let me know - my emails down below!

See you next week.

Nikola Harper, Editor, Workflow Wednesdays, 10xYOU

PS: You can always email me directly at

Be A Better YOU With AI

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