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Be A Better YOU With AI

10xYOU: Using AI To Enhance Your Productivity on Creative Tasks

Chapter 34: Boost Your Creativity With AI

Get Creative, Even If you Aren't

Happy Wednesday.

Is that a thing?

I should see if I can swap with Leo, he definitely has the most fun day.

How are you doing? Having a good week so far?


Let's jump right into it.


So, outside of taking pictures of food, I'm extremely uncreative.

So when my boss asks me to come up with something "out of the box", its hard for me.

I'm kind of straight laced and its hard for me to come up with new ideas - new creative ideas.

For example, I remember attending "Innovation Sessions" in some of the companies that I used to work for.

The idea was to brainstorm new ideas - come up with new things we'd never done before.

I was always at a loss for words.

I had to wait for someone else to start things off.

I cold riff off of other peoples ideas.

But I had a lot of trouble coming up with my own.

Until AI came along

Coming up with fresh and innovative ideas can be a challenge.

Whether you’re brainstorming for a project, writing a story, or designing a new product, AI can be a powerful ally in sparking your imagination.

Today, we’ll explore how AI can help you generate creative new ideas and take your creativity to the next level. Let’s dive in!


New ideas are the lifeblood of creativity and innovation.

They keep your work exciting, engaging, and forward-thinking.

The pressure to constantly come up with fresh concepts can lead to creative blocks.

This is where AI can step in, providing inspiration and new perspectives that can rejuvenate your creative process.


Meet Ken, a marketing manager who often found himself stuck in a creative rut when developing campaigns. He needed fresh ideas that would captivate his audience but struggled to come up with them on his own. Ken decided to incorporate AI into his brainstorming sessions. Using AI tools, he generated innovative campaign concepts, explored different angles, and even received suggestions for catchy taglines. The result? Ken’s campaigns became more dynamic and successful, and he found himself excited about brainstorming again. AI didn’t replace his creativity—it enhanced it.


  1. Idea Generation Platforms: Use AI-powered platforms like ChatGPT to brainstorm new ideas (That's what I do). These tools can provide creative prompts, suggest alternative approaches, and help you explore different perspectives. By inputting your initial thoughts, you can receive a wealth of ideas to develop further.
  2. Content Creation Tools: AI-driven content creation tools like Writesonic can help generate text for articles, social media posts, and marketing materials. They can suggest headlines, opening lines, and even full paragraphs, giving you a solid foundation to build upon and inspire your own writing.
  3. Design Inspiration: For visual creatives, tools like DALL-E can generate unique images and designs based on your inputs. Whether you’re looking for design ideas or need visual content for your projects, these AI tools can provide endless inspiration.
  4. Music and Sound Creation: Musicians and sound designers can use AI tools like Suno to compose new music and generate soundscapes. These tools can create original compositions based on your preferences, providing a starting point for your musical projects.
  5. Trend Analysis: AI can analyze current trends and predict future ones, giving you insights into what’s popular and what’s emerging. Tools like Google Trends can help you stay ahead of the curve and incorporate trending topics into your creative work.

Let's suppose that your boss has just asked you to come up with some new products, but you are as useless at creative brainstorming as I am. This is how it might go down...

You: "Hey, my boss asked me to come up with new ideas for a profitable product, but I’m feeling stuck. Can you help me with this?"

AI: "Definitely! I can help you brainstorm new ideas and find innovative concepts for a profitable product. Let’s start by understanding the market and the needs of your target audience. Can you tell me a bit about your industry and who your customers are?"

You: "We’re in the consumer electronics industry, and our customers are tech-savvy individuals who are always looking for the latest gadgets."

AI: "Great! One way to generate ideas is to look at current trends and emerging technologies in the consumer electronics space. AI can help analyze these trends and suggest innovative products that meet your customers' needs. Have you considered using AI tools for trend analysis?"

You: "Not really. How can they help?"

AI: "AI tools like Google Trends can analyze market trends and predict future ones. This can give you insights into what’s popular and what’s likely to gain traction. Let’s use an example: AI suggests that smart home devices are becoming increasingly popular. Based on this trend, what kind of smart home device could you imagine your company developing?"

You: "Maybe a smart security system?"

AI: "That’s a solid idea! Now, let’s expand on that. Consider adding unique features to make it stand out in the market. For instance, incorporating AI for facial recognition, integrating with other smart home devices, or offering a subscription service for 24/7 monitoring. What do you think?"

You: "I like that. How else can AI help me refine this idea?"

AI: "AI can also help with competitive analysis. Tools like Crayon or SimilarWeb can provide insights into what competitors are doing and identify gaps in the market. This can help you refine your product idea to ensure it offers something unique. Additionally, AI can assist in predicting potential profitability by analyzing similar products and their performance."

You: "That’s useful. What if I need help with the actual product development process?"

AI: "For product development, AI-driven project management tools like Asana or can help you organize tasks, set deadlines, and collaborate with your team. You can use AI to manage timelines, track progress, and ensure that every aspect of the product development is on track. Additionally, AI can aid in prototyping and testing phases by simulating product usage and identifying potential issues."

You: "This sounds really helpful. How can I present these ideas to my boss?"

AI: "When presenting to your boss, it’s important to showcase the potential profitability and market demand. Use data from your trend analysis and competitive research to back up your ideas. Create a detailed proposal that outlines the product concept, unique features, target market, projected profitability, and a development timeline. Visual aids like graphs and charts can make your proposal more compelling. Would you like help drafting a proposal?"

You: "Yes, that would be great!"

Use AI tools to gather data and create visuals for each section. This will make your proposal comprehensive and persuasive."

  • Introduction: Briefly introduce the product idea and its relevance.
  • Market Analysis: Present data on current trends and market demand for smart home devices.
  • Product Concept: Describe the smart security system, its unique features, and how it stands out from competitors.
  • Target Market: Identify your target customers and their needs.
  • Competitive Analysis: Highlight gaps in the market and how your product fills them.
  • Projected Profitability: Provide data-driven projections on the product’s profitability.
  • Development Timeline: Outline the key stages of product development and expected completion dates.

You: "Thanks. This gives me a clear path forward. I’ll get started on this right away."

AI: "You’re welcome! Remember, AI is here to enhance your creativity and productivity. Use these tools to generate and refine your ideas, and you’ll come up with a compelling product concept. Good luck with your presentation, and feel free to reach out if you need further assistance!"


What if you come up with a new ideas with the help of AI? Should you tell your boss? Personally, I would, but like I said, I'm pretty law-and-order when it comes to that stuff (yes, I will not even smuggle candy into a movie theater)

But you are probably not just going to take the ideas that AI came up with and just pass it off as your own, will you?

You will probably tweak and embellish them before you hand them over, right?

If you ask me - when you add your creative twist, you own that.

Did you know that there are plenty of writers who use AI to come up with ideas when they run into writers block? If its good enough for them, it should be good enough for you, right?


What do you think?!

I bet you already use AI to brainstorm new ideas.

If not, try some of the tactics below and let me know what works for you. Let me know at my email below!

Grow the community! Send your friends over to 10xYOU

Have a a great rest of the week!

Nikola Harper, Editor, Workflow Wednesdays, 10xYOU

PS: You can always email me directly at

Be A Better YOU With AI

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