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Be A Better YOU With AI

10xYOU: Using AI to Improve Your Writing Skills

Chapter 59: Write Righter With AI

How AI Tools Can Help You Write with More Clarity, Confidence, and Impact

Happy Wednesday!

Before I jump into this weeks chapter, I want to just clear the air a bit.

I never used to like writing. I thought it was super boring.

Writing was for geeks and nerds.

Those guys who spend all of their time with their nose in books.

Not for me.

I'm more a visual creator.

I like creating videos and music.

Maybe I'll do a video one day.

Interested? Let me know!


Even though the internet has become a visual medium, underneath it all, its all TEXT.

Search engines still need to use text to determine relevancy.

You still need to write reports and craft PowerPoint interviews, most with text.

Despite the fact that everyone hates email and spam, everyone still uses it.

We read things on social media. We TEXT things.

Writing is still a core skill that you need to learn.

Even if you aren't a great writer now, AI can help you be a better writer.


It's really easy to just use AI to just write something.

I think when ChatGPT first came out, many people did. Many people still do.

They just ask ChatGPT to write something then post it directly to wherever. A blog post. A social post. LinkedIn.


We can tell its AI.

Don't just let the AI write it for you.

Never do this.

Always, always write WITH AI.

People can tell.

And now, most machines can tell too.


Writing can be tough, even for the best of us.

Sometimes, you struggle to find the right words, your ideas feel jumbled, or you just can’t seem to polish your sentences.

That was me.

AI tools can sharpen your writing skills, making your content clearer, more impactful, and more professional.


Writing is more than just stringing words together—it’s about communicating your ideas clearly and persuasively.

Good writing takes time and practice, and even the best writers can benefit from a little extra support.

AI-powered writing tools can provide real-time feedback, help with structure, and even help you find the perfect tone for your audience.


  1. Grammar and Clarity: AI-powered writing tools like Grammarly or ProWritingAi are your first line of defense when it comes to grammar and clarity. These tools offer real-time corrections for spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes. Beyond basic fixes, they can also suggest improvements to sentence structure, ensuring your writing is clear and easy to follow. Whether you’re writing a quick email or a long report, these tools help you avoid embarrassing errors and make sure your message comes across smoothly.
  2. Conciseness and Style: If you tend to over-explain or ramble, AI tools can help tighten up your writing. Tools like Hemingway Editor focus on making your content more concise and impactful by highlighting overly complex sentences, passive voice, and unnecessary adverbs. This helps you write more clearly and directly, making your message stronger.
  3. Tone and Audience Awareness: One of the trickiest aspects of writing is adjusting your tone for different audiences. AI tools like Linguix or Grammarly’s tone detector can analyze the tone of your writing and suggest adjustments to match your intended message. Whether you’re aiming for formal, friendly, or persuasive, AI can help ensure your writing resonates with the right audience.
  4. Generating Ideas: Stuck on what to write? AI tools like ChatGPT or can help you brainstorm ideas, generate outlines, and even suggest headlines or opening lines. These tools are great for overcoming writer’s block and can provide inspiration when you’re struggling to get started. The more you use them, the better they get at understanding your style and preferences.
  5. Real-Time Feedback and Editing: AI writing assistants, like Wordtune, offer real-time feedback as you write, suggesting alternative phrasings, clarifying points, and refining your tone. This allows you to make improvements on the fly, speeding up the writing process and improving your final product. It’s like having a writing coach right there with you as you type.

Let's ping our favorite chatbot and see what it has to say...

You: "I’ve heard AI can help improve my writing, but honestly, I’m a bit skeptical. How can an AI really help me write better?"

AI: "I get it—AI might seem like it’s all about grammar corrections, but there’s actually a lot more I can help with when it comes to writing. Think of me as your writing coach. We can work on clarity, structure, tone, and even creative flow. Let’s start by identifying what specific areas you want to improve. What do you struggle with most when you write?"

You: "Well, I tend to ramble a lot, and I’m not great at getting straight to the point. My emails and reports often end up too long and confusing."

AI: "That’s something we can definitely work on. Let’s tackle conciseness first. Could you give me an example of a sentence or paragraph you’ve written recently that felt too long?"

You: "Sure, here’s a sentence from an email I wrote yesterday: ‘I wanted to reach out to let you know that we’re still working on the project and are aiming to finish it by next week, assuming everything continues to go smoothly and there aren’t any unforeseen issues that might cause a delay.’"

AI: "Great, thanks for sharing that! Now, let’s make it more concise while keeping the main message intact. You could simplify it to: ‘We’re working on the project and aim to finish by next week, assuming there are no delays.’ How does that feel compared to the original?"

You: "Wow, that’s much clearer and gets straight to the point. But doesn’t it sound too short? I’m worried it might come off as abrupt."

AI: "It’s a valid concern, but sometimes less is more. You’ve still conveyed the important information without losing any context. However, if you want to soften it a bit, you could add something like: ‘Let me know if you have any questions.’ That keeps the message clear while inviting further communication if needed."

You: "That makes sense. I didn’t realize how much unnecessary detail I was adding. What about the tone, though? Sometimes I worry my emails sound too stiff or formal."

AI: "Tone is super important, especially in professional communication. You want to sound approachable but still professional. Here’s a trick: before sending an email, take a moment to re-read it and ask yourself how you’d say it in conversation. Let’s practice—write how you’d say the message to a colleague in a casual conversation, and I’ll help you adjust it for email."

You: "Okay, here’s how I’d say it: ‘Hey, just letting you know we’re almost done with the project and should have it wrapped up by next week. I’ll let you know if anything comes up!’"

AI: "Perfect! Now let’s formalize it a bit for an email but keep that friendly tone: ‘Hi [Name], just a quick update—we’re on track to finish the project by next week. I’ll keep you posted if anything changes.’ This strikes a balance between professional and conversational. How does that feel?"

You: "That feels much more natural! I like that it’s friendly but still professional. What about longer documents, like reports? I always struggle with keeping them structured and easy to follow."

AI: "For longer documents, structure is key. Think of your report as having a roadmap. Start with an introduction that outlines the purpose and key points. Then, break your content into clear sections, each with its own heading. I can help you with that—how about you give me an example of a report topic, and we’ll outline it together?"

You: "Let’s say I’m writing a report on our latest marketing campaign. I’m not sure how to organize it."

AI: "Does this structure make sense for your report?"

  • Introduction: Briefly explain the goal of the campaign.
  • Campaign Strategy: Outline the tactics you used (social media, email, etc.).
  • Performance Metrics: Present data on how the campaign performed (engagement rates, sales, etc.).
  • Challenges and Solutions: Discuss any issues that came up and how you addressed them.
  • Next Steps: What’s the plan going forward? Are there follow-up campaigns or adjustments to be made?

You: "Yeah, that’s really helpful. I like that it’s broken down clearly, so I don’t get overwhelmed. But how can I make sure it flows smoothly?"

AI: "Transitions are your friend here. Use simple phrases to guide the reader from one section to the next, like: ‘Next, we’ll look at…’ or ‘Moving on to performance metrics, we can see…’ These help tie everything together and make the report feel cohesive. Want to give it a try with one of your sections?"

You: "Sure. Here’s what I have for the Campaign Strategy section: ‘We focused on social media and email marketing. For social media, we used paid ads on Facebook and Instagram. The email campaign included weekly newsletters to our subscriber list.’"

AI: "That’s a good start! Now, let’s add a transition and tighten it up a bit for clarity: ‘Our campaign focused on two main channels: social media and email marketing. On social media, we utilized paid ads on Facebook and Instagram, while our email strategy included weekly newsletters sent to subscribers.’ Adding a transition like ‘our campaign focused on’ gives the reader a smooth introduction to the section."

You: "I see how that makes it flow better. It feels more polished."

AI: "Exactly! Polished and clear. As you work through your report, remember to keep each section focused on its main point, and use transitions to connect the dots for your reader. And as you write, if you ever feel stuck or unsure, I’m always here to help with phrasing, transitions, or structure."

You: "Thanks, this is starting to feel a lot more manageable now. I can see how AI could really speed up my writing process."

AI: "You’ve got it! The goal is to make writing easier without losing your personal touch. The more you practice these techniques—being concise, adjusting your tone, and structuring your work—the more natural it will feel. And anytime you need help polishing a piece or brainstorming ideas, I’m just a message away."

Not bad, eh?

AI can be your 7/24 available professional writing coach.

Just don't let it run on its own.

Use it to help you, not write for you.

There's gotta be a human in the loop.

That's what makes better humans.


See you next week

Got any tips which worked for you and you'd like to share with the community?

Let me know - my emails down below!

See you next week.

Nikola Harper, Editor, Workflow Wednesdays, 10xYOU

PS: You can always email me directly at

Be A Better YOU With AI

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