
Be A Better YOU With AI

10xYOU: Write Your Book In One Day With AI

Chapter 64: Write Your Book In One Day

See Your Book Finally Become Reality

Happy Monday all.

First off, I want to thank you all for your feedback.

We listen to everything our citizens (that's' you) tell us.

So I challenged myself to expand upon something I did a long time ago.

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to to this - but I finally did it.


If you've been with us since the very beginning, you'll remember that I started off Chapter 1 with From Concept To Cash

That was our very first 10xYOU Money Monday chapter. Written by me.

I wanted to start things off with a bang - a way to use AI to quickly create something that you could sell.

A book. A course. A newsletter.

It was pretty straightforward:

  1. come up with a topic
  2. generate the content
  3. place in Notion
  4. gate it with Gumroad

The idea was to take the idea in your head, probably some kind of problem and solution that you'd found useful, and turn it into some kind of content that you could charge for.

At the time, it was all the rage to use Notion and Gumroad to store and sell this piece of content.

That chapter did really well and I got a ton of feedback.

But I had a lot of other topics to cover so I didn't have much time to return to it.

Until now.


Since Chapter 1, ChatGPT and many of the other chatbots have progressed and evolved.

They can do even more than they did in the past.

I looked at your feedback and covered it with the team here.


Everyone wants to write a book.

But they don't have the time or money to hire someone to write a book.

With the state of generative AI today, you can.

And just to make it a big audacious thing, you can do it in a day.

Imagine that.

You have an idea for a book right now.

In less than 24 hours, it's reality.

It's sitting in the store at Amazon making sales.

Who doesn't want that?

It's a real book, based on your concept and written with the help of AI and the rest of humanity.

Sounds too good to be true, right? I had to test the idea out.

Could you really write a book with AI in less than 24 hours and create something valuable and useful.


Turns out, the answer is yes.

After a lot of thought, I decided to go fully meta on the concept.

I would use AI to write a book about using AI to write a book.

And I would schedule it so that I would be able to take it from concept to book in less than 24 hours. It would include the concept, the outline, the table of contents, every single chapter, full of useful information (no filler) and cover.

I'd even include a section on how to publish it via Kindle.

And it would have to be at least 100 pages long.

I started last Wednesday morning

I finished last Wednesday evening and posted it to the Kindle store.

It went live a few hours later.

It ended up being 107 pages end to end.

I challenged myself and I did it.

I wrote a book about writing a book with AI.

It's in the Kindle store and on 10xYOU right now.


Yes, we are charging for the book.

But if you ask nicely, ( I can send you a copy of the PDF for free.

Just let me know what you are planning to write with it.

Don't just dream about writing a book.

Do it now.

See you next week!


Ben Caldwell, Editor, Money Mondays, 10xYOU

Be A Better YOU With AI

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