
Be A Better YOU With AI

10xYOU: AI for Enhancing Indoor Gardening Hobby

Chapter 66: Connect With Nature, Indoors

Get Back To The Earth

Happy Friday.

Quick note before we jump in.

Did you see the announcement on Monday of Ben's new book, Write a Book In One Day?

If you have ever been interesting in writing a book, but never found the time, you need this. Check it out here.


There’s something incredibly grounding about gardening, even if it’s just a few plants on your windowsill.

When you’re tending to plants, you’re not just taking care of them—you’re also nurturing your own well-being.

Studies have shown that gardening can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost mental clarity.

It’s a form of mindfulness that encourages you to be present, slow down, and connect with nature.

Plus, the satisfaction of watching your plants grow and thrive brings a sense of accomplishment and joy.

Whether you’re battling stress, looking to unplug, or simply craving a little more green in your life, indoor gardening can be a wonderful way to enhance your wellness.

And with the help of AI, it’s easier than ever to turn your home into a personal sanctuary filled with vibrant, healthy plants.


Indoor gardening can be a deeply rewarding hobby.

Whether you’re growing herbs in your kitchen or filling your living room with lush houseplants, nurturing plants indoors brings a touch of nature into your home and can be a great stress reliever.

However, keeping your indoor plants healthy can sometimes feel like a challenge, especially if you’re not sure about their watering needs, light requirements, or soil conditions.

That’s where AI comes in!

With the help of AI-powered tools, indoor gardening becomes easier, more enjoyable, and even more successful.

Even if you aren't a green thumb, AI can help.


  1. Smart Plant Care Recommendations: AI-powered gardening apps can provide personalized plant care tips based on the specific species you’re growing. They can tell you how much light, water, and nutrients your plants need.
  2. Automated Watering Systems: AI-enabled watering systems can monitor the moisture levels in your plant’s soil and adjust the watering schedule to ensure they get just the right amount of water.
  3. Light Optimization: Using AI sensors, you can monitor the light conditions in your home and get recommendations on where to place your plants for optimal growth.
  4. Plant Health Monitoring: AI-powered plant health apps use image recognition to diagnose potential issues like pests, diseases, or nutrient deficiencies, helping you catch problems early.
  5. Climate Control: AI can control indoor climates, such as humidity and temperature, creating the perfect environment for different plant types to thrive.


Let’s talk about Ally. Ally loved the idea of filling her apartment with plants but often struggled to keep them alive. She found it challenging to understand their different needs and how to give each plant the proper care. That’s when she turned to an AI-powered gardening app. The app guided her on how to care for each plant based on its species, sending reminders for watering and even suggesting the best spots in her home for optimal sunlight. Ally also set up an AI-enabled watering system that adjusted to the plants' moisture needs. Soon enough, her indoor garden was thriving, and she felt more connected to her hobby than ever.


Ready to use AI to enhance your indoor gardening? Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Download a Smart Gardening App: Start with an AI-powered gardening app like Planta, Gardenia, or PictureThis. These apps can identify plants, provide care recommendations, and even diagnose plant health issues using AI.
  2. Identify Your Plants: Use the app’s image recognition feature to identify the plants you have. This allows the AI to offer tailored care instructions based on each plant’s specific needs.
  3. Set Up Automated Watering: Consider investing in an AI-enabled watering system like Le Pot. These systems monitor soil moisture levels and water your plants automatically, ensuring they receive the right amount of hydration.
  4. Monitor Light Conditions: Use an AI sensor to measure light intensity in different areas of your home. The AI can recommend the best spots for your plants, helping them get the ideal amount of light for growth.
  5. Get Health Alerts: Keep an eye on your plants’ health using the app’s diagnostic tools. The AI can analyze photos of your plants and alert you if it detects signs of pests, diseases, or nutrient deficiencies.
  6. Control the Indoor Climate: If you’re growing more sensitive plants that require specific humidity or temperature levels, use an AI-enabled climate control system. This can help maintain the perfect growing environment for your plants.

Here’s how a conversation might look between you and an AI gardening assistant:

You: Hey, I’m struggling with my indoor garden. I love having plants around, but I can never seem to keep them healthy. Can you help me figure out what I’m doing wrong?

AI: Absolutely! I’d love to help you get your indoor garden thriving. Let’s start by taking a closer look at the plants you have. Do you know what species they are, or would you like some help identifying them?

You: I have a few I know—like a snake plant and a pothos—but there are a couple of others I’m not sure about.

AI: No problem! If you have a smart gardening app like PictureThis or Planta, you can take pictures of your plants, and the AI will identify them for you. Once we know what plants you have, I can help you understand their specific care needs. How does that sound?

You: Sounds good. I’ll try that now. [Takes pictures and identifies plants.] Okay, it says I have a ZZ plant and a peace lily in addition to the ones I knew about.

AI: Great! Now that we know what you’re working with, let’s talk about care. For your snake plant and ZZ plant, they prefer bright, indirect light and only need watering when the soil is completely dry. The pothos and peace lily, on the other hand, like their soil to stay a bit more moist. I can help you set up a watering schedule based on their needs, or you could use an AI-enabled watering system that automatically adjusts based on the soil’s moisture levels. Would you be interested in setting up an automated system?

You: I like the idea of automated watering because I always forget to water them—or I water them too much!

AI: An automated watering system would be perfect, then! Something like the Le Pot can monitor the soil moisture and water your plants as needed. It even connects to an app where you can track how often your plants are being watered. If you’d like, I can help you set it up so your plants get the right amount of water.

You: That would be great. But what about light? I’m not sure if they’re getting enough.

AI: Good question! Light is crucial for plant health. You can use an AI sensor, like the one in the Gardyn system, to measure the light levels in different parts of your home. The AI will analyze the light intensity and recommend the best spots for each plant based on their light needs. For instance, your snake plant and ZZ plant would do well in a spot that gets bright, indirect light, while the peace lily prefers moderate light. Would you like to try measuring the light levels now?

You: Sure, I’ll try that. [Measures light levels.] Looks like my current setup isn’t giving the peace lily enough light.

AI: That’s helpful information! Moving your peace lily to a spot with more moderate light should help it thrive. You might also consider adding a grow light with an AI timer to supplement natural light, especially during the darker months. AI-controlled grow lights can adjust the intensity and duration based on the plant’s needs, ensuring it gets just the right amount of light.

You: I didn’t even think about using a grow light. That might be exactly what I need!

AI: Grow lights can make a big difference, especially if you’re limited on natural light in your space. You can set up the light with an AI timer to mimic natural day and night cycles, which your plants will love. Let’s move your peace lily to a better spot, and we can explore adding a grow light if needed. I’ll also send you reminders for when to check on your plants’ health using your smart gardening app. How does that sound?

You: That sounds really helpful. I think these changes might actually give my plants a chance to thrive!

AI: I’m sure they will! With the right care and some AI-powered help, your indoor garden will be lush and healthy in no time. Remember, I’m here to guide you whenever you need, whether it’s adjusting watering schedules, checking light levels, or diagnosing plant health issues. Let’s get started!


I think we all need to spend more time in nature. But sometimes we need to bring nature in to be with us.

Even if you think you suck at it, at least start.

Get a hardy plant that can take some hardship, like a succulent or cactus.

I have a whole row of them on my windowsill.

They only need water once a week, and they love the sun from my window.

Start with one. Nurture it. Use the tools. Once you've been able to keep it going a few months, get more.

Talk to them. Give them names. (All my plants have nicknames, like the tall one, whose name is Stretch)

It'll help.


Got more questions? Need more help?

Pop me an email below.

Have a great weekend!

Leo Serrano, Editor, Fulfillment Fridays, 10xYOU

Remember, you can always email me directly at

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